Promontory events
Many of our clients’ strategic messages are launched or communicated at corporate events and conferences. As a result, we’ve become an experienced events company. We deliver virtual, in-person and hybrid events using our own online guest management and viewing platform.
Recent successes include a hybrid awards ceremony, a celebrity golfing competition and a global leadership meeting in 30 different languages.

Lookers virtual annual conference
We created a news magazine-meets chat-show format as a relaxed, professional way of delivering content to a diverse audience. Our programme was mostly pre-recorded to give presenters greater confidence and control. To this, we added a live Q&A element to give a live, dynamic feel to a well-rehearsed presentation.

Volkswagen face to face annual conference
We created the physical environment, we design, write, and create content. By owning the Executive Director role over the design and development of the set we ensured both stage, setting and tone were note perfect.

Clancy awards lunch
Celebrating people and achievements at an annual award lunch demands finite planning, from setting, decorative touches, production, exquisite food, unique entertainment. Our experienced events team know how to host and put on a great show.

Skoda at Crufts
We were so excited to support Skoda creating and designing the concept of their promotion stand at Crufts. Cars, doggies, production, logistics and events team on hand, we delivered a bold stand that doggie lovers and car lovers interacted with over the 4-day prestigious event. We enjoyed it as much as our furry friends.